Childhood Vaccines
We provide routine infant and child vaccinations as part of the HSE immunisation schedule, which are free of charge -click here to see schedule. We strongly advocate vaccinating your child according to this schedule.
We also provide additional vaccines, not on the HSE immunisation schedule, that patients may request for their infants, such as the chicken pox vaccine (HSE link), or Hep B vaccine (HSE link) for children who were born before 2015. These are not provided by the HSE and must be paid for privately (enquire about cost at reception).
Travel Vaccines
Following a travel consultation to assess your vaccination and other medical requirements for your travels, we will book you in for the appropriate vaccinations. All travel vaccines incur fees. We advise you book your initial travel consultation well in advance of your departure date, ideally more than 2 months before.
MMR Catch up Vaccination
Please contact reception via phone or email to book an MMR vaccine. Please see here for more information on the campaign, and to see if you should avail of a vaccine.
Flu Vaccine
We recommend the annual flu vaccine for all patients aged over 65 and those in at risk groups to flu including pregnant women and those with certain chronic conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, chronic lung disease.
This is free of charge for those with a Medical Card or Doctor Visit Card.
Nasal flu vaccines are available for children aged 2 -17.
Shingles Vaccine
This is worth considering in patients over 50 years of age, even in those who have already had shingles. It is not provided by the HSE so must be ordered and paid for privately. Book an appointment with the GP if you would like to discuss this (enquire about cost at reception).
Covid Vaccine
We are offering Covid booster vaccines in accordance with HSE recommendations.
You can self register for vaccination through the HSE on this link or phone 1850 241850 if you have not yet had a vaccine.
Pneumonia Vaccine
This is a vaccine given either once for life or again after 5 years (depending on the patients age and circumstances- our healthcare professionals will advise). It is given in one form as part of the childhood vaccination schedule. Another form of pneumonia vaccine is usually recommended for those aged 65 and all those in other at risk groups, eg those with chronic conditions such as diabetes, chronic lung disease or immunosuppression. For more information click here.
HPV Vaccine
This vaccine is provided free of charge now to all boys and girls early in secondary school, administered at school by public health nurses. It is available privately, via the GP surgery, for those who wish to avail of it, and did not receive it in school eg those in older teens and young adults. Book a GP consultation if you wish to discuss whether this vaccine is suitable for you.